It's official: We survived 2009. But you're probably not spinning around in your office chair, throwing confetti in the air to celebrate. That's because though you may have survived, 2009 was an especially difficult year for business.
The New Year offers an opportunity for a fresh start. And while cutting prices or updating your marketing plan might help get the job done, Maribeth Kuzmeski, author of The Connectors: How the World's Most Successful Businesspeople Build Relationship and Win Clients for Life, says that 2010 is the year of the connector-that the connections you make and the relationships you build will be the true game changers.
"Relationships are more important than ever, particularly when it comes to doing business. And thanks to social media, mobile technology, and the ever-expanding internet, it's easier than ever to connect with others," she says.
This month will look at eight tips to help you make more meaningful connections in the coming months.
Improve Your Social Networking Skills
In today's business world, social networking can't be ignored. We promote products on Facebook, network through LinkedIn, and get our news updates via Twitter. And while social networking is a great way to connect, it can be easy to forget that what you are aiming for are meaningful connections.
Making meaningful connections via social media can sometimes take a little extra work and a different approach. Kuzmeski says that using a few simple rules of thumb can help make your social networking more efficient.
1. Choose to connect with people who have similar interests or who are working in your particular field. And when someone you know, want to know, or need to know connects with you online, you should always reciprocate.
2. Don't let your online connections get lost in cyberspace. Just because they are online doesn't mean they can't turn into quality connections. Find ways that you can connect through other avenues like conferences, retreats, or occasional in-office visits.
Remember: It's Quality, Not Quantity
While the connections you make through social media are important - especially when you can transform those connections into relationships - you have to be careful not to get caught up in a more, more, more mentality, where you are constantly striving to get more friends on Facebook or to tweet more often during your day.
Kuzmeski says that you can be more successful if you use your time to instead revamp the connections you already have by making them more meaningful and personal.
"Concentrate your efforts on turning your connections into more personal relationships: Your goal should be to make connections outside of your computer screen. And since sales conversions are more likely face-to-face, consider hosting an event for your followers.
Twitter users call this a tweetup, according to a definition by "" A tweetup is a gathering of users brought together via Twitter. For example, at conferences, Twitter is used by attendees to arrange to meet after the show for discussion, cocktails, and parties.
"This year, make a concerted effort to focus on the quality of your business relationships," Kuzmeski says.
Be A Voicemail Non-Conformist
f you've worked in business for any amount of time, you've probably played a game of phone tag or two (or 20!). When we attempt to connect with people over the phone, we're usually faced with having to leave a voicemail. But just because you're connecting with a voice mailbox doesn't mean your connection can't also be meaningful. Kuzmeski says learning how to make the most of those voicemail messages can also help boost your connections.
"Treat your voicemail messages just like you would an actual conversation," says Kuzmeski. "Keep them short and sweet and stay on point. Practice your message before calling to make sure it is compelling. Say something unexpected that may get the listener's attention -- have lots of energy and enthusiasm when you call.
You might even want to try smiling while you are speaking - it will come through in your tone of voice. Be sure to give the recipient of the message your reason for calling and a reason why he or she should call you back. And always clearly state your contact information -- then clearly state it again. There's no easier way to break a connection than failing to give others a way to connect back to you," she says.
Build Your Own Harvard Network
People who have gone to Ivy League schools like Harvard typically look out for one another. They connect with each other, hire each other, and refer potential clients to one another. The same can be said for many high-status schools in the nation. It may be true that alumni networks are more valuable and important to the success of graduates than the education they received.
So what do you do if you didn't go to a prestigious school? The principles are the same for any network of people.
"Those with similar interests, backgrounds, commonality and relationships will look out for each other, work with each other, and help each other," says Kuzmeski. "It is human nature. So, if you don't already have a network, find one. Join a community group, alumni group, or industry group and get involved. Create advocates and make yourself a known entity in the group through your activism."
Create Your Powerful Connections List
In order to form new and more powerful relationships, it's a good idea to first begin by determining who are, and who can potentially become your most powerful connections. Ask yourself: Who do I need to be able to connect with to build my business successes?
"Create a list of at least 20 potentially powerful connections," Kuzmeski says. "Now you know who to reach out to. It isn't 1,000 people. It is a manageable 20 who will connect you to others. But who wants to connect with you? Lots of people do; it simply takes finding out what's in it for them."
Leverage Your Connections
Effectively leverage your business network by creating a large enough network, regularly staying in touch with them, and helping them get to know you, what you do in your business, and the kinds of people with whom you work. But most of all, concentrate on getting to your network and developing a relationship focused on them.
"Thankfully, for salespeople everywhere, strategies for leveraging themselves exist," Kuzmeski says. "It takes a plan, but leveraging current relationships can be the miracle answer to the typical grind of prospecting. Advocates, centers of influence, and your customers will give you referrals and introductions that are critical to expanding your reach and incremental sales growth."
True Connections Happen Eye-To-Eye
Just because there are a lot of new and improved ways to connect with people, it doesn't mean we should rule out good old-fashioned face-to-face contact. Sure, social networking is great, and when used the right way, it can be a great tool for you and your business. However, if you want to really connect with people, it is important to make it a priority to schedule face time.
Sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with someone you would like to strengthen your relationship with. Think about those on your powerful connections list, people you truly care about-the ones who will mean the most to you in the year ahead-and then make it a point to see each one of them in person at some point in the next few months.
"Of course you're busy," says Kuzmeski. "We all are. But you can't let that be your excuse for not making the time to connect with people in person. You have to make the time. Whether it means clearing out a couple of weeks out of the year to devote to traveling to see clients, or even breaking early from a conference to catch up with an important colleague, you should make it a priority," she says.
"You need to establish a solid in-person relationship with people in order to gain their trust. And once you've done that, you can use all the other tools as a way to continue your relationship throughout the rest of your busy year."
Make Amends When You Mis-Connect
It's bound to happen at some point: You send an unintended e-mail to a client. Or you tweet something that at the time seemed funny and edgy, but instead offended a few of your followers. Or you forget to follow-up on a referral you've received because it got lost in your inbox for three months. What do you do? Mark these connections down as technology casualties and move on?
Kuzmeski says that option is a big mistake. Whenever you've made a mistake-online or otherwise-you should take immediate action to rectify the situation. Take down the offending tweet, send out an online apology, and pick up the phone to apologize personally.
"The online world has provided us with increased opportunity," she says, "but that also means an increased opportunity for making mistakes. If you've offended someone, whether it be an employee, colleague, or a client, it's important for you to react quickly to make amends. Recognizing you were wrong and offering an apology will go a long way in helping you reestablish any trust that you've lost."
Source: Maribeth Kuzmeski is the founder of Red Zone Marketing, LLC, which consults to Fortune 500 firms on strategic marketing planning and business growth. An internationally recognized speaker, she shares the tactics that businesspeople use today to create more sustainable business relationships, sales, and marketing successes. The author she has frequently appeared on TV and radio, and has written articles on marketing strategies for hundreds of publications including BusinessWeek and Entrepreneur.
Sign-A-Rama - Kearny Mesa in San Diego
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