Sunday, June 30, 2013

Banner Shape Options

Professionally designed and printed banners are a great way to get out messages—but there are some things you need to be aware of with respect to shape before you move forward. Banners that are thoughtfully composed and the “right” shape can really stand out, while those that aren’t run the risk of being ignored.

The three most popular banner shape options are:
  • Perfect square
  • Horizontal rectangle
  • Vertical rectangle
Which one is best for you? That depends on two things: where it will be displayed and the elements contained in your design. Thus, be sure to take a look at the place where your banner will hang; that alone will often be enough to make a shape decision.

If you’re still undecided, think about the artwork and copy you plan to have on your banner; in general, squares or vertical rectangles are best for text-heavy banners, while horizontal rectangles work better when you have a large art element (like a logo) and a small amount of copy.

Don’t despair if none of these popular choices resonate with you, as we can create banners of just about any shape, including circles, teardrops, and flags, or we can customize a banner to meet your specific needs. We look forward to using our expertise to design and produce banners that ensure your message gets noticed.


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