Sunday, July 22, 2012

Biggest Mistakes Businesses Make with Signs

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make with signs is trying to put too much information on them. When you have just moments to make an impression, which is typically the case, you’ll get the most bang for your buck, so to speak, but communicating your message as succinctly as you can.

One of the most prevalent signs—the familiar red octagon that causes even multi-ton trucks to halt in their tracks—features just one word: STOP. In most cases, your signs will need a bit more verbiage than that, but you need to think “less is more” as you write…and edit as necessary to end up with just enough copy to get the job done.

We can help you craft messages on your signs that communicate the message you intend without either overwhelming people or leaving them confused. In addition to ensuring your copy is as succinct as possible, we’ll also assist you with selecting fonts and font sizes, colors, and designs that enhance readability. You might be surprised at just how much difference a few subtle tweaks can make to change a so-so sign into one that’s compelling.


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